#SBBC Day 5 – Good Skin Starts From Within


Foods for healthy skin

As the daily prompts are optional and I wasn’t having any inspiration for either today I decided to do a post that was suggested by our very own Megan on foods that are super good for your skin. It doesn’t matter how many lotions and cleansers you use your skin will always be better if you eat well. Taking care of the inside will naturally take care of the outside.


First up and the one I feel most important is water. Your skin needs to be hydrated to be healthy. Hydrated skin not only has fewer spots it has a natural glow and tans easily and safely when using sun screen. Water will keep your skin young, soft and beautiful.


Yoghurt contains vitamin A which is vital for good skin. Just be sure to make it a low-fat version.


Blueberries are my personal favourite super-food. They are rich in antioxidant which fights the anti-aging process and helps to protect your skin from the effects of pollution in the air.


I’m not a fish eater, I can’t stand it but I wish I could. It’s rich in Omega and Essential Fatty Acids, these are responsible for healthy cell membranes and the general healthy of cells throughout the whole body. If the cell walls are tough cookies they’ll keep more water in and thus give you healthier cells and healthier skin.


And no I’m not talking about the sugar-coated variety! Almonds are jam-packed full of vitamin E and are rich in monounsaturated fat (good fat!). This also keep cells strong and lowers cholesterol too.


I love spinach. Mainly in fresh mixed in with mash potato so it is just lightly steamed. (My recipe for the day!) Spinach contains beta-carotene which  helps to repair skin and maintain its youthful appearance.


Too much milk, bread, pasta, cakes – These are all linked to causing acne.

Salt – This can cause your skin to look puffy and can also cause acne.

Candy – This can damage the collagen and elsatin in your skin. These both keep your skin firm and wrinkle free so ditch the candy and hit up the blueberries!

Alcohol – It dries out your skin and causes so many problems and can also lead to more serious skin conditions.

9 thoughts on “#SBBC Day 5 – Good Skin Starts From Within

  1. Yogurt has Vitamin A in it. I have to stop and think about this. I actually love having yogurt in my daily diet and it was quite a problem for me in the beginning when we moved to a Thai island… Eventually my mother sent me yogurt powder from the States. So the chefs at the kitchen are making my yogurt! I live in a five star hotel… bit crazy… I know… 😛

    xoxo, Eszter

  2. can’t avoid cake, bread and milk. that’s why I have sometimes some not nice things on my face. I so like sweet things:D

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