New followers..

Please don’t follow in the site. We’ve moved to If you were already a follower before 11pm on 10th September 2013 you will still get my posts as you have been moved over. Otherwise, you will not unless you subscribe on the new blog via email or bloglovin’ or add my URL to your reader. Thank you

A little help from those who have moved to please!

HI All,

So I’ve just moved to though I’m posting on my one now. I have a request in at .com for now to move my current subscribers over but I have a few questions so if anyone has made the move and can help I’d be most grateful!

  1. How long does it take them to move my followers?
  2. Can I still be found on the reader when I post on my self hosted site?
  3. Can new readers follow me in the same manner they do now or do they have to sign up by email?(Instead of clicking one button) If so how have you overcome this and what effect has it had on your follower growth?
  4. Will I be better off forgetting and just staying here? I moved so that I can turn it into a business eventually (hopefully) which I can’t do here.

I’d be so grateful for some advice from those who have made the move! Thank you in advance!